
Understanding your Website Backup Results

Website Backup Results

When you click on the “Backup” option in the SiteLock dashboard, you get to the Backup Dashboard. The Backup Dashboard is broken into two, vertically separated sections. The left side is the Scan log/History, which has multiple entries for backup and restore tasks. The right side is an Info Panel which provides information on whichever row you select from the Scan Log.

a. The Scan Log:

The left side of the Backup Dashboard will list out each of the previous backups and restore options. Selecting a row will display more information in on the right side of the page (the Info Panel).

Date and Time: This is the timestamp of the date and time when the restore/backup was initiated.

Action: This is either Restore or Backup, to identify which action took place. Note that you can filter between the two by selecting the appropriate action from the dropdown on the top right of the Scan Log section.

File / Database Status: This shows the progress of that row’s action.

  • In Progress: The action is currently ongoing. While any row is In Progress, no other actions can be taken.
  • Not Applicable: When restoring ONLY files OR database, whatever is not being restored is labeled as Not Applicable.
  • Complete: The status of a completed backup or restore.
  • Error: When there is an issue with the action, a red error status will be applied.
  • Configure: If you have not setup this feature for the account. Clicking this takes you to the configuration page.

Although there is no header information, there is a final column on the far right only for backup rows. There is a trashcan icon, which allows you to delete that backup. There is also a reload icon, which will allow you to restore the entire backup. This includes the database and all files. The third icon is the download icon. When black clicking this will start the creation of the downloadable files. It will then turn pending until complete. Once complete the download icon will be green and you will be able to download your files from this icon or in the details panel.

At the bottom of the Scan Log, when no actions are currently active, there is a Create Backup button. This is the only way to initiate a new backup creation.

b. The Info Panel:

When you click a row from the Scan Log, more information is displayed on the right side of the screen; the Info Panel.

Configuation: This section will display which backup options have been configured.

Utilization: Backup products have a maximum capacity, which can be expanded if needed. You can create and store as many backups as your capacity allows.

If you attempt to create a backup without enough space to complete the backup, that backup will complete without issues (ex. 4.9GB of 5.0GB used. You can create a 500MB backup, putting you at 5.4GB of 5.0GB). Once you’re over the Utilization limit, you are unable to create more backups until more space is added or created (by deleting old backups).

The utilization stat is compiled in an interesting way. The file size is calculated incrementally, so if you have a 100MB website, and make 10 backups without any changes being made, the total utilization is still 100MB. Each database backup counts towards the utilization. So, if you have a 100MB site with a 10MB database, and make 10 backups without making any changes, the total utilization is 200MB; 100MB for the unchanged site files, and 10 x 10MB, for each of the 10MB database backups.

Files: This displays important information related to the files for the backup or restore that is highlighted.

  • When selecting a restore, the root directory of the restored files is listed, as is the number of files restored.
  • When selecting a backup, there is more information displayed. In addition to the root directory and the number of files, you will also see the number of files that were added, deleted, or modified since the last backup, as well as the total size of the backup.

Also, while you have a backup selected, the Info Panel will also have a red button labeled: View Files. This is used to review all files in that backup, which allows for individual file restores. Simply select the View Files button, then select whatever directories/files you’d like to restore and select the Restore button:

This is the only way to restore individual files. If you’d like to restore all files, either check all the boxes or use the “restore” button in the Scan Log:

It’s worth noting that if you restore using the Restore button above, it will restore BOTH the files and the database at the same time. This is by design. If you only want to restore files, you must select all checkboxes in the Restore popup.

Database:This displays important information related to the database for the backup or restore that is highlighted.

  • When selecting a restore, Only the schema name is displayed.
  • When selecting a backup, Both the schema name and the backup size is displayed.

Also, while you have a backup selected, the Info Panel will also have a red button labeled: Restore Database. There is no way to individually restore specific tables or rows, just the full database:

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